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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • You could accomplish what you’re trying by putting the GPU in a second computer. Further, most UPSes have a data interface, so that you could have the GPU computer plugged into the UPS too, but receive the signal when power is out, so it can save its work and shutdown quickly preserving power in the UPS batteries. The only concern there would be the max current output of the UPS in the event of a power outage being able to power both computers for a short time.

  • Well, my mother has asked me to digitize her collection too and have me host it. Originally, fine, you give your movies to me, I host them, same thing.

    Did your mom buy your computer and hard drives? I doubt it. You spent your own money, right? So she’s giving you a whole bunch of stuff which is consuming your space. Quote out the cost of buying components for a separate server for her with her own drives. When she buys the parts, build her her own server and put her stuff on it.

  • I’m sorry to hear about this setback. I’m crossing my fingers for you for finding a solution to your health troubles.

    She’s also quite hard of hearing despite having hearing aids,

    One thing to help you out with her on this. My aging mother was having the same problem and in talking to her I learned how isolating this becomes. There’s only so many times a person can ask someone to repeat themselves before its socially awkward. Many times the hard-of-hearing person eventually just gives up and nods pretending to hear and just becomes not part of the conversation. They can be a room full of people and be totally alone.

    I found that her hearing aid brand has an external (bluetooth) microphone option and got her one. These are called “Buddy mic”, “Handy mic”, or “Partner mic”. It is a small rechargeable batteried mic that can lay flat in the middle of table of people (omnidirectional mode) or clipped on a lapel (unidirectional) that will isolate just the one person its next to (to combat loud noisy places and bring out the voice of the person being talked to). There’s usually a smartphone app the user can control modes and further filter sound. The one I got also has a 3.5mm audio input so you can plug it direction into a sound source like a TV which will pipe the sound right into the user’s hearing aids.

    Find out her hearing aid brand and model and do a google search to see if hers has one. It will likely be a couple hundred dollars but it is a GAME CHANGER. My mother has had it and used it for months now and uses it all the time. If she is having trouble hearing in a conversation, she’ll quietly pull it out, set it in the middle of the table and is back in the conversation being able to hear everything and respond. She loves it!

    The same may help your mother, and its possible some of the friction you’re experiencing from her may be her frustration with being sidelined because she can’t hear and her getting frustrated with that and it coming out on you.

  • I was wondering if you read it and saw demonstration, but how I read that in its context is demonstrate as in “hey industry see it does work, see see see? Stop denying.” Whereas you seem to take it as test to see if it does work, which obviously I think is wrong.

    I’m sorry you’re not familiar with the industry language being used in the articles. Your position is that once a technology has been shown to work, it can do so any capacity. While I wish this was true, but it simply isn’t. A perfect example is Solid State Batteries. They can be produced in small numbers in a lab no problem. We even have a few small scale manufacturing operations, but they are very low capacity and very expensive. How can this be? The technology exists. Why can’t it be made in the millions? Because creating them at scale isn’t there yet. Things that work in small quantities don’t always work when you’re doing a bunch of it. Processing need to be developed. Technology needs to advance in the manufacturing space. This is the same concept being applied with these green investments in the article.

    Lol heat pumps work.

    Heat pumps do work! I had one at my last house for HVAC. I have one in my cloths drying. I have one on my house’s water heater. I’m a huge fan of heat pumps. However these are small scale implementations. What additional challenges do you get when instead of heating one house, you’re attempting to heat/dry a warehouse sized single room containing massively more moisture in the air than a typical residence? I don’t think you know. I don’t know either. None of us do for sure. Not even industry experts. That’s why they’re testing these in single places first so that the technique can be perfected and replicated in hundreds of other factories.

    (Your prior reply was falling all over itself to cover all the bases for deniability, but it was clear with “prove” and whatnot.)

    No, I was following the logic that would seem to flow from your statements that you were missing the follow on steps. I was attempting to not treat you like you couldn’t come up with it yourself.

    You’ve attacked from the start and continue here, so have a nice day.

    No,I disagreed with you from the start. That isn’t attacking you. If you’re going to claim anyone that disagrees with you is attacking you, I can tell you will be running into people “attacking you” for the rest of your life. Your response was abrasive and claimed I hadn’t read the article, where clearly I did.

    so have a nice day.

    I suppose were at the end, so I will. Thanks, you too!

  • These are technologies that work.

    In a lab, sure. The next step is to scale them up, which is frequently where difficulties are found. Running these in a full sized factory is that step, and is exactly what this article is reporting on.

    Did you read the article?

    I did, in fact, read the article, where it clearly said these were "demonstrate novel technologies can operate at scale. Here, I’ll cut and paste from the article so you can read it too because it looks like you’re having difficulty finding it:

    “While the projects themselves would put a relatively small dent in U.S. emissions, Ms. Granholm said the goal was to demonstrate novel technologies that can scale up rapidly and “set a new gold standard for clean manufacturing in the United States and around the world.””

    And if they weren’t proven, then fund open research. Don’t hand companies money.

    What open research can you fund to prove something operates at scale? Are you advocating for creating government run steel companies from scratch just to implement a single plant to test a new concept at scale? If not, what is YOUR suggestion for how to test these at scale without giving money to a company that does it today, and without creating a brand new company run but the US government? Please enlighten me to your path.

  • I agree. I can afford even today’s ludicrous health care costs, but I know I’m an exception. So many of us can’t. For that reason I’m a proponent of “single payer” universal healthcare that all of use can afford which is indeed better than today’s ACA. However, I am well aware that is even farther away from what Republicans would want. Hence my statement that Republicans can’t even produce a draft of what they deem to be better, not that I’d agree with their definition of better.

  • I know they pounded the drum of “repeal and replace” the ACA forever, but in all of these years they have no ONCE posted a draft of any legislation that would even come close to replacing the ACA.

    How do Republicans even still say they have a better idea after all these years with nothing to show for it? I’m not even talking about legislation that passed, just a draft of what they’re proposing. What has stopped them from opening up Microsoft Word and just writing their “better” replacement? Could it be there IS no better replacement they are interested in passing?

  • Not bad, but those are rookie numbers, you’ve got to pump them up!

    • Performed Project Management with complete Work Breakdown Structure and delegation of roles and responsibilities
    • Implemented regulatory compliance following applicable established v5 industry guidelines
    • Executed regular data gathering as well as reconciliation with disparate records at established intervals
    • Regularly dealt with influx of random data resulting in drastic situational changes requiring quick thinking, triage, and remediation of issues.
    • Operated without production interruption even with frequent team member exit during critical phases of operation
    • Resolved frequent conflicts between team members regarding the subject matter while maintaining neutrality and unity within the groups for continued execution
    • Included audit functions as part of continuous improvement efforts
    • Successfully completed multiple 6+ month engagements under these conditions