Here on break

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Not aware of any of these, which is nice, but iddqd caught my eye since that’s a Doom reference! Overall I always thought the Doom community was pretty positive (at least going by Doomworld forums, and various Doom streamers, as I remember them). I thought surely it must be some misunderstanding! Oh maybe they didn’t reply quickly enough to take down some drive-by hate speech, but that was it.

    Anyway, holy shit, do not go to that lemmy instance. It’s rotten to the core. I’m going to go take a shower and play through Episode 1 to cleanse myself now.

  • Then let people make characters without disabilities if they want (which is already the case). But what if someone wants to play a character, or see characters, that face similar challenges to the ones they do? And then get to play them overcoming those challenges!

    This is not exactly equivalent, and I’m not asserting that you meant this, but imagine in a different time someone saying, “I don’t understand why anyone would want to play a non-white race, since it just opens them up to racism, when they could just fit in and be normal.” I consider that to be along the same class of argument as the one we’re discussing here.

    why would a person want to fantasize about having a disability

    To imagine a world where they are the same, but their disability is not an impediment. A more perfect world, rather than imagining themselves as other than they are.

  • I’m not a sports person but it seems like chess and video game match making have had this figured out for a while: just play ranked. Your rank can change at official events, like when you’re competing, and everyone gets matched with people around their skill level/ability, with the occasional hotshot rising through the ranks blowing everyone away.