The left needs to challenge Biden, especially on US involvement in Gaza. But to do that, we need to keep him in office.

    7 months ago

    People are downvoting you because they don’t want to hear what you’re saying even though it’s true. Biden is objectively better than Trump but that might not be enough. We can debate the how’s and the why’s of that statement but I don’t think there’s any reason to dispute it.

      7 months ago

      It’s not true. Voting isn’t a moral calculation, it’s a strategic one. I absolutely agree that the onus is on Biden to bring people into the tent, but anyone that isn’t going to vote for him because “he hasn’t done enough” or “both sides are the same” (which are objectively untrue) is making a poor strategic decision that is against their own interests and supporting Conservatives. People should understand that. They should understand why their protest vote in a general election isn’t a protest vote and how it damages their own cause.

          7 months ago

          You want to enlighten me then? Please explain how we benefit from Trump winning the general election. That’s the direct result of Joe Biden receiving less votes. How specifically do we benefit? There’s only 2 possible results in November, why do you favor the result you favor?

            7 months ago

            Your approach to rhetoric is the “gee thanks I’m cured” meme. You aren’t willing to meet people where they are at, you just want to tell them what they ‘should’ do or else they get the hose again.

            You have to meet people where they are at. Have you ever interacted with some one in a mental health crisis? You can’t just get them out of the street and get them to stop putting gloves on their feet by telling them what they “should” be doing. You have to meet them where they are at and get them to understand that you understand why they are where they are. To do that you have to come down from your position trying to brow beat them into doing what you want them and actually try to understand them.

            So you saw a YouTube video on strategic voting and now you think you know better. Well guess what. People are going to go into November with the following information: They had a better quality of life under Trump than they do Biden. That’s where they are starting. You keep arguing about what people should think instead of trying to understand what they do think and why they think that way. People who are voting for Trump are making a strategic decision, but you’re too obtuse and self concerned to notice that the Democrats and Biden really haven’t done shit for anyone.

            I want the Democrats to win, but how you are going about making the argument for Biden is actually making things worse. You need to spend some time thinking about why people do the things they do and think the things they think so you can understand them. Understanding some one doesn’t mean you have to agree with them, but you can’t convince some one of something if you don’t understand them.

            And you aren’t special in this regard. Mainstream Democrats, Corporate media, and probably half of Lemmy are relying on the same, tired, show to be a failure strategy you are using. It doesn’t work. You can’t beat people into agreeing with you.

            Just like Biden needs to, you have to address peoples actual concerns. And take Michigan as a case study in this. Biden was utterly floundering in the polls. He was dropping sub 1:10 of winning the big game prior to Michigan. Undecided won the narrative in this, and has forced Biden to shift policy on Israel. Because of this he’s having to address his biggest weakness going into November, and is becoming a stronger candidate because of it.

            Allowing Biden to proceed with out criticism, this idiotic 8th grade level of understanding around strategic voting, Blue no matter who: These are going to lose you the election in November. My point was that you just don’t get it, so I’ve put some words down to try and help you out. But right now, your approach to rhetoric and your supposed strategic approach to voting is hurting Bidens ability to get into office more than it’s helping.

            You want Biden in office after November? Demand more from him. You want the Democrats to win? Get them to do things that materially help people’s lives. Browbeating people into submission when you have demonstrated that you have no idea why they think what they think not going to get you any votes .

              7 months ago

              Where have I said we shouldn’t demand more from Biden and the Democrats? I would argue the opposite. Biden didn’t get my vote in the primary. My claim is that voting against the Democrats in the general election does not get you more from the Democrats, it enables the party trying to make our lives significantly worse.

              You can criticize the party while still voting for them when the alternative is a party bent on ending democracy. You can also primary all the candidates that don’t represent your values. I would encourage it. I don’t understand why it’s so difficult to acknowledge Democrats both need to improve the party AND win every election against every GOP candidate possible.