I’ve always hated how alcohol commercials play up like a cool beer is the best thing in the world, or a glass of whiskey is what will put hair on your chest. It’s a disgusting narrative that ruins people’s lives.

On social media, there’s a huge variety of it. People posting how they were sober on NYE. Folks sharing before/after as they’ve gone cold turkey. I see people share tips of what type of mocktails to get at bars, and alternatives to having a fun night over getting drunk.

I appreciate that.

And this is not bashing alcohol. Moderation in everything.

  • CafecitoHippo@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    I’m just happy that there is finally some good NA beers. I realized I had a problem drinking where I would just want to keep drinking once I started but I had such a connection between beer and sports that it became hard to watch sports without wanting a beer which would then turn in to me wanting 12 beers. Just being able to have a good NA beer which tricked my mind into thinking I’m having a beer. My brain didn’t get the dosage of alcohol that I needed to keep drinking booze so I could just have 2 of them during an Orioles game and not worry about it. I’ve only had 8 total drinks since election night. Never more than 2 in a day but I’ve decided that I’m totally off booze since those 8 drinks.