Fuck you, pay me.
He’s also ignoring the fact that if your job’s responsibilities are mission-critical, chances are you have a contract which stipulates situations in which you can be contacted after hours. It’s about Joe Schmoe IT guy being called in at 7pm while he’s having dinner with his family and being told to come to work because Greg the assistant to the Sales VP forgot his password again. Greg can fuck right off until tomorrow morning.
The server going down at 2am is mission-critical and the guy in charge of it will definitely be answering that call to fix it.
Right, but he’s placing a subtle idea on people that wage theft isn’t a thing, overtime shouldn’t be a thing, and we shouldn’t have regulation for that. There’s a reason SREs get paid so much money, and it’s because it’s in their contract that they have to be the ones to rotate shifts and be up at 2am during an upgrade or otherwise, and he’s just mad he can’t pay everyone less and make more money
Just average capitalist things. Nothing to see here.
At my job we’re expected to at least try to be available if needed after hours which in my 3 years here has happened once and it took about 30 minute and I waited until my son went to bed for the night.
In return we get to leave for doctors appointments, picking up kids, errands etc without having to use PTO or make up the time. It’s a pretty sweet deal for the developers and no one abuses it to much.
At my old job they tried to get us to work after hours pretty frequently for a fraction of what our hourly rate was, we were salaried but when you broke it down you’d be getting like $20 an hour instead of $50. Ridiculous and almost no one did it.
The only correct answer. Pay for that availability if needed around the clock.
You beat me to it 😂
but that’s why we made you salary with low wages!
If employees start ignoring their boss’s calls, texts, and emails outside of work hours, an after-hours emergency might have to wait until the next business day, which O’Leary finds unacceptable.
Did this fucking fascist consider hiring more staff and going 24/7? How is it the problem of salaried workers that their boss is too fucking cheap to hire enough people to get the level of support that he wants?
If your service needs to operate 24/7, then it needs to be staffed 24/7. If it doesn’t need to operate 24/7, then staff will resolve the issue during normal work hours. Most businesses have IT teams stagger their start time so that someone comes in early and can deal with issues that may have risen the night before and prior to other employees arriving.
I made this a few years ago, about 6 months before walking out on a job I’d had for 11 years.
Fuck all these sociopaths. Right in the ear. With a rusty spoon.
And all these laws have carveouts for emergencies. Although I have a feeling Mr O’Leary would probably count having to do a presentation on Monday morning for some guy he met golfing over the weekend an emergency.
Why would he do that when he could just fire them and hire more people?
“Who dreams this crap up?”
Working class people who make .5% what you do and don’t want to eat, sleep, and breathe work, you fucking fascist turd goblin.
EDIT: We have been informed by our team that our numbers above were off slightly. We apologize for the error and pledge to quintuple-check our math going forward.
Kevin O’Leary’s annual income is reported at $40+ million. The average salary in the US is About $60k. The number you’re looking for is 0.15%.
Sounds like he should get domed along with everyone like him (and everyone that supports/bootlicks him).
.00000000…00001% of you do *
The insane thing is you are probably missing a few 0’s in there for the percentage. Maybe .05% or .005% depending on the company.
.5% is generous. Kevin is a billionaire. If workers made .5% of even a single billion dollars, that’s 5 million dollars.
but if you don’t work while you eat and sleep how am i supposed to sit on my ass and complain about you all day
When asked whether he ever encounters employees who silence their phones outside of work, O’Leary didn’t hesitate with his response: “The next moment is — I just fire them.”
TBH they’re better off.
Hm, unemployment collection and/or EEOC action for constructive dismissal, cool. My disability is “unable to work when off the clock”.
Canada has worker protections, too, so that would get expensive if he tried it at home.
Fucking gross.
Unionize, folks. Solidarity forever!
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…and is irritated when he gets after hours calls.
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Yeah he is one of those that won’t respond when people try to work out if issue is resolved
“Billionaire who benefits financially from harassing his employees after hours instead of staffing those hours mad at concept that you shouldn’t do that.”
Repost with that as the title.
I don’t know who Kevin O’Leary, but I can tell I don’t like him.
There’s a lot of talk these days about people being cancelled. This guy seems like the sort of person that would be an excellent candidate for it. I believe we, as a society, ought to collectively express our disgust at this kind of behavior.
So how is it done? How do we figuratively light the signal fires of Gondor and call forth the hosts to confront this evil?
Rich asshole with a reality TV show? Probably just as likely that we elect him president, wait for him to commit treason and more felonies than anyone can reasonably keep track of, and then fail to hold him meaningfully accountable for any of it.
Better that people do not know this but I am pretty sure he is Canadian. No Presidential risk.
He tried putting his hat in the ring for Canada’s PM. Didn’t get much momentum. His wife killing a guy with their boat came back up in the news. There’s speculation she took the fall for him because he was drunk and killing people while drunk driving your boat is generally frowned upon in Canada.
If Kev and his cronies keep pushing their neofeudalist garbage, that might just be the solution we’ll see.
We could less-figuratively use O’Leary as the signal fires of Gondor.
Everyone should send these shitty people drawings of poop. Good ones, bad ones. Whatever your drawing level… draw a poop, lable it with “poop” if youre not sure theyll get it and send it. That should get across that we collectively think they are shit.
These types of assholes usually have po box for their businesses at the very least. On their website they typically have some sort of mailing address under “contact us.”
If we can get inundated with junk mail everyday from shitty businesses advertising I think we can return the favor on this one.
Edit - put the return address from the north pole
Even better if you send it in their own, pre-paid postage envelopes they sent to you for whatever bullshit reason.
This could work.
#we’re not taking your crap anymore
Maybe #shitpostal could work? dunno how any potential sensors would handle that one though. Don’t want it getting filtered out or anything
You’re right on making it more pithy, but if prefer something like #nomorecrap
I like that one a lot more! No censoring to worry about.
I’d really love for this to take off. It’s a way to protest that people can participate in without having to disrupt their lives or take time off from work.So how do we do this? Post the campaign on anti work, work reform, etc? Do we want to post elsewhere, or see how far this goes on Lemmy?
Honestly I have no idea and just kinda posted that without thinking too far ahead, not even sure if it was a good idea or if it would get any traction. I’m excited that there’s at least some interest!
Post it whereever you think people would be interested in participating! Maybe start on lemmy first then branch out once people here seem to be aware of it? Then just see what happens! Hopefully some folks will participate.
I plan on sending some poop drawings this weekend to get the ball rolling. Maybe I’ll post a pic of it on lemmy too to spread the word!
You realize you can send actual shit through the mail, yeah?
The mail carriers didn’t do anything wrong, why would I send something through the mail that could completely ruin their day?
I’m looking to offend that rich cunt, not some poor worker who has to clean up a package full of shit if it gets destroyed in transit. Plus, mailing a piece of paper with a drawing of shit is far cheaper than mailing a box.
Boycott the companies funding them
he said in a clip he shared of a recent interview with Fox News
ahh yes, as broadcasted to the group who are consistently brainwashed to vote against their own best interests. mission accomplished
I know people who live around where his wife was driving the boat and got in an accident and the people in the other boat died.
They all think she took the fall for him and he was drinking and he was the one driving. They were both drinking let’s be real - heading home from dinner on one of the most exclusive cottage lakes in Canada gimme a break.
Their opinion is he should have been charged and guilty.
The wife got back to the dock and took a big drink if I recall correctly to “calm her nerves” - oldest trick in the book.
Anyway, this shithead says what?
As usual they get to live and their innocent victims pay the price.
You know what would be awesome? If Kevin O’Leary died in a house fire, trapped and begging for his life.
Is that harsh? I gave up caring years ago. These people have every possible resource at their disposal to not be absolute pieces of shit. But they just can’t stop doing shit that leaves millions of people dead, injured, or much more commonly, in a state of poverty or near poverty for their entire lives because these assholes never learned how to share.
So I’ll say it again: I hope Kevin O’Leary dies in some excruciatingly painful way. Bonus points if him being a jackass kicks it off and he has to suffer the consequences of his own actions.
I didn’t know who he is until this thread, but from the few articles I’ve since read about him, I absolutely hope he dies slowly from acid burns over 95% of his body.
Just a gargantuan piece of shit, the embodiment of capitalism and the perfect, unfiltered example of why it will never really work.
A couple hundred years ago, Kevin O’Leary would be whipping his slaves to death for objecting to being raped.
With the right vote he could be doing that in a few years too.
That vote’s coming in western Canada. So many short-sighted hillbillies rage-voting in some fatcat climate-change denying moron hell-bent on killing healthcare and personal autonomy under the banner of “woke==bad”. All the Dodge RAM pilots are eating it up – and not just to soak up the rye before heading out.
The ag industry just got thrown under the bus because the Liberals needed to suck american cock and bring in a tariff on Chinese EVs that nobody wanted. It’s not protecting anything in Canada, and now all canola shipments are under “dumping review” by China as retribution.
Hundreds of thousands of people in agriculture affected by this in order to accomplish nothing, but hey, we’re used to it. No wonder he doesn’t have any friends west of Ontario.
He’s exactly the person you’d unfairly assume he is based on his face.
Isn’t it weird how common that is though? There’s like some kind of cosmic force shaping people to look like how they are. Probably fashion.
More context as to how much of a garbage human O’Leary is. https://www.avclub.com/shark-tanks-mr-wonderful-helped-kill-the-educational-1829339516
After reading that, I think calling O’Leary a garbage human is an insult to garbage everywhere.
You can actually generate power with garbage… This guy is a net negative on humanity.
These corporate fucks should just die. No ifs, no buts, just fucking die like the scum they are.
Too humane
Die, and then get called back on the job after hours
If he were my boss I’d ignore him during work hours too, tbh.