We’ve added new ways to find and explore diverse perspectives on Search, including content from social media platforms, to help you learn from the experience of other people.
Yeah but if this is what it takes to get a recipe search result that isnt 50 ads and a 5 page essay before the actual content, I ain’t going to complain.
This is why I use DuckDuckGo instead of Google, and Firefox with a few selected extensions that ensure I almost never see an ad. I would be shocked if Google enabled any long-term ad-free experience.
Yeah but if this is what it takes to get a recipe search result that isnt 50 ads and a 5 page essay before the actual content, I ain’t going to complain.
This is why I use DuckDuckGo instead of Google, and Firefox with a few selected extensions that ensure I almost never see an ad. I would be shocked if Google enabled any long-term ad-free experience.